

Real Estate

Real estate investment in Switzerland – for sure!

In recent years the real estate market in Switzerland has increasingly become the focus of investors. The legal certainty in Switzerland, as well as the stable currency, ensure that high-quality properties continue to gain in value and thus yield good returns.

Real Estate Investment Switzerland

Investing money profitably and securely at the moment is anything but a pleasure. Interest rates range from “negative” to “just over zero”. Investments in stocks are very volatile and to treat with caution. In a panel discussion of the Zurich “Friends of Funds” platform, Swiss fund experts exchanged views on where and how to invest properly during these turbulent times.

It is agreed upon the interest rate forecast: In all probability the Fed rate this year will not raise four times, but only two or three times. The reason is that the labor market in the USA is starting to get hot again and the oil price is probably not going down any further. Rising incomes and possibly higher energy prices are likely to push inflation upwards. However, very low or negative interest rates are expected for Switzerland and Europe in the foreseeable future.

Ubi pecuniam – Buy Shares?

With that said, a participant of the panel, Christian Takushi from Geopolitical Economics AG, is particularly interested in state bonds. Takushi warned against the massive increase in risks and the threat of a regulatory wave, which would mainly affect banks. According to Takushi, stocks should, therefore, be traded very selectively and at short notice until at least 2018. A number of investors have already completely removed shares from their portfolios.

Investments in Swiss real estate

The debate about whether Swiss real estate is still a good and profitable choice was disagreeable. Arno Kneubühler from PROCIMMO SA affirmed this clearly. His advice to invest currently only in real estate with actively managed properties in top locations should definitely be good.

Real Estate Investments – A safe bank?

In comparison to other investment opportunities, real estate is unquestionably an attractive and secure investment. If condition, location, and value are good and the price is reasonable, real estate investments offer a stable and long-term capital security.
On the other hand: Precisely because top properties are also interesting for conservative investors, both prices and minimum investments have risen sharply in recent years. In particular, the often very high minimum investments in the past were a massive barrier for non-institutional investors.

Le Bijou – the “Real Estate Operating System” of the future

Le Bijou is the first company to digitize the hotel sector in the premium segment. Le Bijou combines proven and already successful elements of other revolutionary concepts like Airbnb with a whole new kind of travel comfort. The innovative apartment concepts and pioneering concierge software called “James” turn Le Bijou into an attractive hotel alternative. Le Bijou Bonds can be purchased with an entry-level investment of only CHF 10,000. This is why Le Bijou Bonds is suitable for solvent private and institutional investors.

The Le Bijou interior is modern, homely and elegant. Planned and realized with the proverbial Swiss passion for detail. Natural materials in combination with modern design and innovative technology create a feel-good atmosphere, which otherwise is only experienced in one´s own home.
Based on information from Neue Zürcher Zeitung

Coupons Subscription period Payment

7.125% p.a.



Payable every quarter on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December, first payment on 30/06/2017 and final payment on 31/03/2022. Received by post or physically delivered by 8 p.m. at the latest. Payment deadline for bond investors.


Exit of an investor Maturity 35% withholding tax

2x Pull option



First pull option after 12 months, second pull option after 36 months. Until 31/03/2022, 60 months as of 31/03/2017. Paid by Issuer.


Denomination Status Ranking

CHF 10,000

Pari passu


The minimum investment is CHF 10,000 nominal value or a multiple hereof. The Bonds and Coupons constitute unsecured and subordinate obligations of Issuer and are ranked equal amongst each other (pari passu). The Bonds and Coupons are subordinate to all current and future liabilities of the Issuer which are not subordinate or subordinated to the bond issue.


Securitisation Listing Transfer Restriction




The Bonds are issued as bearer securities. The Bonds are not listed for trading on a stock exchange. Written consent by the Issuer is required. The Issuer may refuse consent for certain reasons.


Law / Jurisdiction Sale Restrictions Issuer / Registered Office

Swiss law



Swiss law applies, place of jurisdiction isZug. Offer, sale, resale, delivery, allotment, acquisition and transfer only inside Switzerland. Le Bijou Hotel & Resort Management AG, Neugasse 21,6300 Zug, Switzerland

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