


Experience is the new luxury

The old ways just won’t cut it anymore. Travelers are expecting more and more from the trips they take and the brands they take them with. Experiential travel is the new luxury – a private cookery class, a local tour, an enriching experience that feels personal and special.

It’s a new kind of luxury, one that focus on experience rather than things. And brands need to catch on. Travellers return to the brands that they feel a connection with, that they feel understand their needs and desires. The best brands are working on ways to do this, evolving their traditional points of contact to create amazing, immersive and interactive experiences that flow seamless across physical and digital spaces.

Experience is the new luxury

Digital integration is the key. By using emerging and established technologies, brands can provide the real-time, enriching experiences that travellers expect. It taps into the power of the consumer – get them on board and they do the work for you, sharing their experience and allowing it to spread across their platforms. But it has to be something special, something that catches the imagination and inspires an emotion. The consumer is now holding the cards, making the choices and brands need to use all of their available digital techniques to connect with them and get them on their side.


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